The rapid growth of aging populations challenges us to consider the kinds of environments that promote wellbeing across the entire lifespan. Where one lives constitutes an important determinant of wellbeing, and is increasingly the focus of public health and policy initiatives. Many aging Americans want to remain independent within the comfort and familiarity of their home: a popular phenomenon known as “aging in place”. However, the majority live in single-family homes designed for the physically mobile and cognitively able. Auto-centered communities pose structural barriers through inadequate transportation networks and service provision. One can become increasingly isolated as opportunities diminish for recreation, sociocultural engagement, and community support.
Finlay, J., Esposito, M., Li, M., Kobayashi, L., Khan, A., Gomez-Lopez, I., Melendez, R., Colabianchi, N., Judd, S., & Clarke, P. 2021. Can Neighborhood Social Infrastructure Modify Cognitive Function? A Mixed-Methods Study of Urban-Dwelling Aging Americans. Journal of Aging and Health.
Finlay, J., Esposito, M., Li, M., Zhou, H., Judd, S., & Clarke, P. 2021. Active Aging Infrastructure and Cognitive Health: A Mixed-Methods Study of Aging Americans. Preventive Medicine.
Finlay, J., Yu, W., Clarke, P., Li, M., Judd, S., Esposito, M. 2021. Neighborhood cognitive amenities? A mixed-methods study of intellectually-stimulating infrastructure and cognitive function among older Americans. Wellbeing, Space & Society.
Finlay, J. & Rowles, G. 2021. Clinical Geography: A Proposal to Embrace Space, Place and Wellbeing through Person-Centered Practice. Wellbeing, Space & Society.
Finlay, J., Kler, J., O’Shea, B., Eastman, M., Vinson, Y., & Kobayashi, L. 2021. Coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of older adults across the United States. Frontiers in Public Health: Aging and Public Health.
Kobayashi, L., O’Shea, B., Kler, J., Nishimura, R., Palavicino-Maggio, C., Eastman, M., Vinson, Y., Finlay, J. 2021. The COVID-19 Coping Study: A longitudinal mixed-methods study of mental health and well-being among older US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Open.
Finlay, J., Esposito, M., Tang, S., Gomez-Lopez, I., Sylvers, S., Judd, S., Clarke, P. 2020. Fast-Food for Thought: Retail Food Environments as Resources for Cognitive Health and Wellbeing Among Aging Americans? Health & Place.
Finlay, J., Khan, A., Gronlund, C., Sol, K., Jang, J., Malendez, R., Judd, S., Clarke, P. 2020. Weather Woes? Exploring Potential Links between Precipitation and Age-Related Cognitive Decline. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Finlay, J. 2021. Intimately Old: An Embodied and Emplaced Feminist Approach to Aging. Hypatia.
Finlay, J. & Finn, B. 2020. Geography’s Blindspot: The Age-Old Urban Question. Urban Geography.
Finlay, J., McCarron, H., Statz, T., Zmora, R. 2019. A Critical Approach to Aging in Place: A Case Study Comparison of Personal and Professional Perspectives from the Minneapolis Metropolitan Area. Journal of Aging & Social Policy.
Finlay, J., Esposito, M., Kim, M., Gomez-Lopez, I., Clarke, P. 2019. Closure of ‘Third Places’? Exploring Potential Consequences for Collective Health and Wellbeing. Health & Place.
Finlay, J., Gaugler, J., Kane, R. 2018. Ageing in the Margins: Ageing in the margins: Expectations of and struggles for ‘a good place to grow old’ among low-income older Minnesotans. Ageing & Society.
McCarron, H., Finlay, J., Gilbert, T., Terhune, K., & Gaugler, J. 2018. Stakeholder Engagement to Enhance Interventions for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia: A Case Study of Care to Plan. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Gaugler, J., Zmora, R., Mitchell, L., Finlay, J., Peterson, C., McCarron, H., & Jutkowitz, E. 2018. Six-Month Efficacy of Remote Activity Monitoring for Persons with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers: An Experimental Mixed Methods Study. The Gerontologist.
Finlay, J. & Kobayashi, L. 2018. Social isolation and loneliness in later life: A parallel convergent mixed-methods case study of older adults and their residential contexts in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, USA. Social Science & Medicine.
Finlay, J. 2017. ‘Walk like a penguin!’: Older Minnesotans’ experiences of (non)therapeutic white space. Social Science & Medicine 198: 77-84.
Finlay, J. and Bowman, J. 2016, Geographies on the Move: A Practical and Theoretical Introduction to the Mobile Interview. The Professional Geographer 69(2): 263-274
Finlay, J., Frank, T., Sims-Gould, J., and H. McKay. 2015. Therapeutic landscapes and wellbeing in later life: Impacts of blue and green spaces for older adults. Health & Place 34: 97-106.
Finlay, J. 2015. How Everyday Access to Nature Can Add Life to Your Later Years. Centre for Hip Health & Mobility Research Reports. Published online 04/06/2015.
Finlay, J. 2015. Book Review: Chris Gilleard and Paul Higgs (2013). Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment. London & New York: Anthem Press, 198 pp. ISBN 978 0 85728 329 0 (hardback). International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 10 (1). doi: 10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.15101.
Caddock, A., Bennett, J., Erdmann, J., Finlay, J., Johnson, D., Matze, M., Maze, H., Meyer, K., Narayan, G., O’Dell, Peterson, C., & S. Savengseuksa. 2013. Above the Falls Health Impact Assessment: Ensuring Health Equity in Decision-Making. Minneapolis Health Department Report.
Leger, A., Godlewska, A., Adjei, J., Schaefli, L., Whetstone, S., Finlay, J., Roy, R., & Massey, J. 2013. Large First-Year Course Re-Design to Promote Student Engagement and Student Learning. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Finlay, J., & Massey, J. 2012. Eco-campus: Applying the ecocity model to develop green university and college campuses. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 13(2), p. 150-165.